Congratulations Class of 2022 Philosophy Graduates!

It was a great commencement weekend in which we celebrated with Philosophy Majors, Minors, and their family and friends. This was our first in-person departmental reception since 2019 and it was a fun one! Graduation day brought us some rain which made the campus so much more picturesque.

We so much appreciate these graduates who, after completing most or all of their junior-year courses online, were back in the classroom this past fall with lots of enthusiasm and ready to talk about philosophy. Best wishes to each of you as you move on to the next stage of your lives and congratulations on your accomplishments!

L – R: Professor Ariela Tubert, Amelia Burkhart, Logan Canada-Johnson, Andrew Blanchette, Hannah Stockton, and Professor Justin Tiehen
L – R: Professor Ariela Tubert, Jack Lang, Andrew Blanchette, Sam Deng, Amelia Burkhart, Logan Canada-Johnson, Hannah Stockton, Willow Perlick, and Professor Justin Tiehen

L-R: Amelia, Logan, Andrew, Jack, Hannah
L-R: Logan, Amelia, Jack, Hannah, Sam

Interview with Sam Lilly ’19

In recent years, the Department of Philosophy has interviewed alumni and graduating seniors about their experiences as philosophy majors, how philosophy has prepared them for post-graduation, and what advice they have for current students (you can find some of those interviews here.) In this interview, Samantha Lilly ’19 speaks about how they decided to become a philosophy major, their favorite classes, how philosophy affected their day to day life, and more. Sam is currently pursuing research in Argentina with the support of a Fulbright Research Fellowship they received for the project “Rights Based Approaches to Mental Health and Wellness” (you can read more about the project here.) Before going to Argentina, upon graduating from Puget Sound in 2019 with a major in Philosophy and a minor in Bioethics, Sam received a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship for the project “Understanding Suicidality Across Cultures,” which took them to the Netherlands, Argentina, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Nepal (you can read about that project and how it connected to Sam’s studies here.)

What are you doing now? How did you get there?

Currently I am living in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I am here with the financial support of a Fulbright Research grant.

I arrived on March 10, 2022.

The story of how I “got” to Argentina is long and complicated, mostly fueled by the volatility of the pandemic.

I had the opportunity to apply for a Fulbright during the summer of 2020—if not for the pandemic, I would have never considered applying as I was in the middle of a different fellowship, the Thomas J. Watson Fellowship. Indeed, in early-March of 2020, I was living in Denpasar, Indonesia seeking understanding of grassroots organizing and support for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia/psychosis. Only three months prior was I first living in Buenos Aires, doing more or less exactly what I am doing now, albeit on a much smaller scale.

However, I can say this with relative confidence. I wouldn’t have been awarded these ‘prestigious’ fellowships if it were not for my pursuance of a degree in philosophy.

Growing up in a low-SES, I felt initially that studying philosophy was a death sentence. And, I don’t think that that’s all that cynical, academia is challenging and our world doesn’t value the skills that studying philosophy teaches… however, if I hadn’t trusted my gut and changed majors mid-way through my Junior year, I wouldn’t be living the life I am—studying and doing philosophy was ultimately what felt most authentic to me.

And, I refuse to believe that, that sense of authenticity I felt when I would go to philosophy classes wasn’t an indication of what I ought to have been doing and studying.

In other words, in hindsight, I got here because younger Sam did what they felt was best for themselves and studying philosophy was what was best for me.

Sam Lilly ’19

How did you get interested in Philosophy in the first place?

I initially became interested in philosophy in high school. The high school I attended in Utah had the best debate program in the State. And, when I joined, I knew that I didn’t want to rely on a partner, so I chose to do Lincoln-Douglas debate—which is really just applied moral philosophy.

When I got to UPS, I was part of the Honors Program and for whatever reason, my freshman year the Honors cohort were the very last to register for our classes and other classes for my then major, psychology, were full. So, I took Moral Philosophy with Professor Tubert…I felt it wouldn’t be too challenging and one thing led to another, and I started taking more and more classes as electives and was lucky enough to have taken enough random classes here and there to, when the time came, switch my major fairly easily.

Was there any area of Philosophy that interested you the most?

Moral philosophy, without a doubt. But, also, I really, really loved epistemology.

Do you remember your favorite philosophy class as a student?

This question sucks a little bit. For whatever reason, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of my favorite class is the class that challenged me the most: Metaethics. What a rewarding but complicated class.

As for my favorites, I don’t know if I can discern a favorite.

Of course, I really loved the classes I took with Ariela. In particular, I am grateful for Latin American philosophy—it was a small window into the world I have grown to really admire and love. And, also the questions we asked in that class are questions I return to almost every day here in Argentina.

However, epistemology with Justin was really wonderful. I enjoyed deeply thinking how he inspired and encouraged us to think… I carry with me every day the demeanor of epistemic humility we talked about so frequently in that class. I think of all the classes, this class really changed me the most as a thinker. I really value the ideal or “virtue” of “owning one’s limitations.”

But, then I cannot speak enough to how deeply meaningful my time was in Philosophy of Emotions with Sara. Nor can I really comprehend how my capstone with Sam really allowed me to delve into what I do currently.

And, honestly, I really really loved 19th Century philosophy. Something about Hegel. I don’t know what it was. But, I loved it.

Why did you ultimately decide to become a Philosophy major?

When the psychology department told me that the questions I was asking re: suicide and suicidality were perhaps better fit in philosophy than psychology.

I also really leaned into philosophy when I began to realize the limitations of the “psi” disciplines. Why was I suffering through applied statistics when I didn’t believe that those tools of measurement were meaningful or valid?

I wanted to understand the human condition. I wanted to understand what drives us to suicide. What brings us to tears and to our knees. And I was told my entire life that to understand sadness and pain and joy and love one should study psychology. But I realized that these questions, at least to me, are better asked and ‘answered’ in philosophy.

It feels more human and less pathologizing. I digress. I decided to become a philosophy major when my moral compass told me it was more ethical to do philosophy than do the other things, I had initially intended on doing when I arrived at UPS.

Along with Philosophy, did you major or minor in any other subject? Has it worked well with Philosophy?

I also studied bioethics and I think I was like one or two classes away from a psychology major. I was also in the Honors Program.

Of course, philosophy and bioethics coalesced incredibly well together. I got to take all that I was learning in my philosophy classes and then apply them to tricky cases we would consider in bioethics. However, I will say that I am far less of a bioethicist than I am a philosopher (if I can call myself that).

In other words, I feel I use far less what I learned in bioethics courses now than I what I learned in my “general” philosophy courses. I don’t care about case-by-case bedside decision making very much anymore, I, instead, care about the systems, cultures, beliefs, and zeitgeists that contextualize and house those very same hospital beds.

How did your parents or strangers react when you first told them you were a Philosophy major?

Oh. The strangers? They laughed. They still do. I crack jokes about it because of the student debt I have for a philosophy degree. But, it seems to have worked out pretty well, no?

My mom was a bit concerned. She asked me what I would do with a philosophy degree. And, now, sometimes, randomly, I’ll text her and let her know this is what I can do with a philosophy degree—just the other day, when I was meeting with the Ambassador to Argentina, I texted her and said “Look what I am doing now with my philosophy degree.”

That is, traveling the world and exploring different cultural perspectives on mental health care and human rights.

Any particular memory you have as a Philosophy major at UPS that stands out?

The memories they come and go.

But, I remember how good it felt to walk in to Ariela’s office and tell her that I was awarded the Watson. I think Ariela really believed in me and her mentorship was invaluable to my growth as a thinker and writer and person and so to share that with her, it was really special to me.

I also remember a mannerism of Justin’s that I do now when I am sharing or speaking about something—whenever I do it, I am taken immediately back to the philosophy classroom.

Justin, when he asked us questions, would put his pointer finger to his temple and inquire and wonder, with an influx in his voice, about something.

“Ah.” He would say. “And was it then a justified true belief?”

Or “Ah.” As he raises his hand up to his head: “Does the man in the box actually know Chinese?”

I don’t know I remember this vividly and it makes me smile when I find myself doing it.

How would you say the Philosophy major helped you with your career, relationships with people, and generally your outlook on life?

Being a philosophy major was arguably the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I think I said this when I was interviewed about the Watson awhile back majoring in philosophy is, in effect, a major in oneself.

You learn your own outlooks and beliefs and you get to better your thoughts and how you think. I mean, I feel if you do a philosophy major the right away you become a more compassionate, humane, and critical person.

And I think that, that’s dissimilar from most other majors because in other majors you’ll learn these facts that aren’t facts and you’ll practice these imperfect methodologies and ideas and then you’ll have to regurgitate them on an exam or in a lab. And, if you’re lucky, you’ll use these facts and methodologies to create new knowledge and new imperfect facts and methodologies.

But, in philosophy, especially at UPS, you read dead and not-dead people and then you think about it and then you write about it and before you know it you incorporate it, or you don’t incorporate it, into your own ideals and beliefs—but it is never considered perfect nor complete, it is always re-considered. And, I think it is this underlying value of philosophy that keeps me entertained and engaged in my day-to-day life—it’s always about continuous improvement, it’s always re-imagining and understanding from different perspectives and viewpoints.

Also, for the record Philosophy of Emotions has helped me immensely in understanding and extending compassion to others when they’re angry, upset, envious, or jealous. 

And, I mean, lastly, I think that a lot of folks struggle to understand how to make an argument for something. And, like I definitely can do that now.

Any advice for current Philosophy students?

If you can, find a question you’re really curious about, and just continue asking that question in every class you take. For me it was: why do we keep people from killing themselves? And, it’s this question that has propelled me into the life I have today. The question can be anything, but, let it be uniquely yours and don’t let others tell you that it’s been answered already.

Sam Lilly ’19 with other philosophy majors at graduation

Puget Sound competes in the 2022 National Bioethics Bowl

The Puget Sound Ethics Bowl team together with Prof. Tubert, the coach for the team, travelled to Salt Lake City to compete in the 2022 National Bioethics Bowl taking place on April 9th, at the Westminster College campus.

The team for this year consisted of J.J. Alvarez ’23, Logan Canada-Johnson ’22, Ismael Gutierrez ’23, Mae Lovett ’23, Jules Obbard ’23, Elizabeth Matsumoto ’25, Nathan Sansone ’24, Ember Reed ’23, and Katerina Wearn ’25. For the first time in a while, the team only had one returning ethics bowl member, with everyone competing in person for the first time, and students ranging from first year to graduating.

The ethics bowl team — which included several philosophy majors and all had taken or were taking relevant philosophy courses such as moral philosophy or bioethics — met every week and even on weekends to discuss the difficult ethical dilemmas in preparation for the competition. The twelve cases dealt with timely and controversial issues in bioethics, asking students to weigh different sorts of considerations and ethical theories to provide unified recommendations in response to a series of questions. The cases dealt with issues involving non-human animals (such as the possibility of genetically engineering animals to suffer less pain, vegetarianism and veganism, xenotransplantation), pandemics (such as state obligations to incarcerated people during pandemics or the use of tracking technology for public health reasons), medical ethics (such as differing views on death is or uncertainty on patients’ wishes regarding life-saving treatment), and emerging technologies (such as the use of “carebots” or the production of mini-brains). The plane rides, meals, and free time in Salt Lake City provided additional occasions for philosophical discussion and preparation.

Students reflected on the value of participating in ethics bowl this semester and competing in the National Bioethics Bowl:

Logan Canada-Johnson ’22: It seems trivial to say now but at the beginning of this semester, I was concerned about being the only seasoned member of the Ethics Bowl team. Ethics Bowl has always been something I enjoyed but did not view myself as especially good at, so I wondered how our team would do if I was the ‘senior’ member. Well, it’s trivial in my mind because this has been the most fun and intellectually challenging semester of Ethics Bowl that I have ever done. It is not hyperbole to say that every member of our team was remarkably passionate and thoughtful, bringing ideas to each case that enhanced our arguments for the tournament. That this was a rebuilding year for our team is already a testament to how far we’ll see this team go next year, and my only regret is that I won’t be able to join them for it. Thank you to all the team members I’ve worked with in the past three years and a special thank you to Ariela Tubert, whose enthusiasm brought this program to our school and keep it thriving throughout the years!

Elizabeth Matsumoto ’25: Ethics bowl, as a freshman, stretched me beyond the regular classroom experience. Once a week, I had the privilege to meet with eight brilliant students to debate a variety of bioethical dilemmas like, “Is it ethical to produce brains from donated brain materials,” and “What are the ethical implications of genetically modifying animals to not feel pain” using frameworks from care ethics and philosophers like Korsgaard and Rawls. This application of philosophy was both relevant and interesting in ways that nurtured a genuine care and interest in bioethics and philosophical arguments. Although I am not a philosophy major, I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and look forward to participating again next semester.

J.J. Alvarez ’23: When I first decided to be on the ethics bowl team, I was unsure of what the experience would be like. I knew that there would be a competition that the team would be going to, but I didn’t know what our team dynamics would be like. I am so happy to say that by the end of our preparation for the national bioethics bowl competition, we were not just teammates, but really good friends. One of things that I remember most about ethics bowl is anytime all of us went out for dinner or lunch, we debated things such as the metaphysics of sandwiches. Or the ethics of Twilight. In addition to this, the experience that I have gotten from analyzing arguments, formulating counter arguments, and exploring different ethical frameworks has been invaluable. I have taken much of what I learned from this experience and began applying it to not only my other classes, but discussions I have outside of classes as well. I am so glad that I decided to join the ethics bowl team this semester. Not only have I learned a lot from the experience, but I have also found a strong community of people that I am excited to continue doing ethics bowl with in the fall.​

Jules Obbard ’23: My experience with ethics bowl was a very positive one. We learned a lot of specifics about topics that we otherwise wouldn’t have, and got to discuss multiple perspectives on complex issues. Not only that, but getting to attend the tournament made our group a lot closer and we started to work really well together. It was all of our first years and we all want to do it again next year because it was such a worthwhile investment. Our coach also managed the team really well and optimized our time so we could do better during the competition. Thank you Professor Tubert for taking care of our trip planning and providing our team with great objections! I look forward to participating in ethics bowl with the rest of the team next year.

Ismael Gutierrez ’23: During my time in ethics bowl I was really able to develop my understanding about various topics and reflect on very hard topics that I felt passionate about. I truly enjoyed my time in ethics bowl. All the people on the team are amazing. It is my favorite class this semester. The application of concepts which we established in the beginning of the semester and from other classes made these concepts more relevant. Unfortunately I was unable to go to compete on the bowl but I was there every step of the way to help prepare our team to do the best we can.

Nathan Sansone ’24: Not only was this my first semester in Ethics Bowl—it was my first semester even in a philosophy class. I left the first several meetings of the term confused, tired, and feeling outright in over my head. But week by week, bit by bit, I began to develop a genuine appreciation for the program and the ethical theories so central to it. I learned the basics of utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, Rawl’s theory of justice, and the bioethical principles; but more importantly, I began to develop an understanding of when these theories were relevant, of their benefits and drawbacks, and how to (at least start to) find consensus when confronted with two seemingly irreconcilable stances. Not to mention, the whole thing is just really, really fun. I’m very grateful to everyone on the team this semester and to Professor Tubert for her work in making this whole thing possible.

Ember Reed ’23: I was excited to have the opportunity to compete with other teams at the bioethics bowl. Seeing how philosophical argument occurs in time restricted environments increased my breath of understanding the discipline. It was also a good opportunity to practice public speaking.

Katerina Wearn ’25: I think ethics bowl was the thing that pushed me the most academically this year (in a good way). Having only taken one philosophy class, my main goal going in was just… keep up. And not only do I think I was able to do that, I feel like I learned a lot in the process. Just being able to participate and contribute to the conversations gave me a huge confidence boost, and hopefully in the future I will be brave enough to compete.

Prof. Tubert also reflected on the ethics bowl experience this semester:

I was excited to see this mostly new ethics bowl team come together as the semester went on and at the competition. It was really fun to see students get comfortable and excited to keep talking to each other about controversial and timely ethical issues. There is an intensity to the experience of preparing the cases over several months and then travelling together that is hard to replicate in other contexts, the students this semester really stepped up to the challenge and I am excited to work with many of them again in the fall.

the team with Prof. Tubert at Westminster College
J.J., Nate, Ember, Elizabeth, Logan, and Jules during one of the rounds
the team at Westminster College, ready to start the day
Jules, Nate, Mae, J.J., Ember, and Logan, about to start the first round of the day
in Salt Lake City, the team was having a hard time agreeing on a couple of cases but were having fun nonetheless
the full Spring 2022 Ethics Bowl team, on campus