Envy and Resentment in the Time of Coronavirus

In 2020, the usually bittersweet activity of browsing Facebook or Instagram, with their feeds full of vacation photos and pictures of friends’ kids, is often devoid of any sweetness. Instead, we’re faced with a feed full of anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, and indignation. As we’ve faced a year of COVID and political and social unrest, online interactions can become so toxic that taking a break from them has become synonymous with self-care.

Prof. Sara Protasi gave a public lecture, entitled “Envy and Resentment in the Time of Coronavirus” for Humanities Washington‘s fall online series, “What These Times Mean: Navigating 2020″. You can now watch the entire lecture and the Q&A below!

If that’s not enough, you can also read “Summer of envy: How the COVID-19 pandemic has put new light on the things we have and want” in The Globe and Mail, where journalist Jana G. Pruden draws on Professor Protasi’s expertise to decode what our envy tells us about ourselves in these strange pandemic times!

CFP: Ethics and Social Justice Prize

Fordham University’s Center for Ethics Education is organizing a new national undergraduate essay competition, the Ethics and Social Justice Essay Prize. This competition is open to all college seniors at accredited 4-year colleges and universities in the U.S. The competition, which has a top prize of $1,000, is intended to amplify historically underrepresented voices and perspectives on issues of societal import, and to encourage thoughtful reflection and critical thinking about ethical concepts as they are encountered personally and as members of society committed to social justice.

The theme for the 2020 competition is: Racial Justice: Realities and Possibilities.

Deadline: December 1, 2020.

For more information, including eligibility and submission information, please visit the essay prize’s website!